Our South African-made

South African Made products

How to Identify Genuine South African Products & Services

The best way to identify South African products and services is to look for the Proudly South African logo - the circle and tick in the colours of the SA flag. The logo is a registered trademark and a mark of quality. It shows you that the product and/ or service is local, it is top quality, it adheres to environmental standards and the enterprise behind the product or services adheres to fair labour practices. So look for the logo when you shop and choose Proudly South African products and services first!

Another way to support the "Buy Local" movement is to check the labels of all products you buy. By law, any and every product sold in our shops must carry a label which states where the product is from or where it is made. "labels of Origin" state whether a product is made in South Africa or imported. This includes food, clothing, footwear, jewellery, appliances furniture and gifting.

Local Content

At least 50% of the cost of production must be incurred in South Africa and there must be “substantial transformation” of any imported materials.

High Quality Product/Service

The product or service must be of a proven high quality. Approved by the regulatory bodies of that industry.

Fair Labour Practice

The company must comply with labour legislation and adhere to fair labour practices that govern the country.

Environmental Standards

The company must be environmentally responsible and follow the rules and regulations with regards to the environmental standards of the country. Such as recycling, waste management, carbon footprint reduction, etc.

Source: www.proudlysa.co.za
Play-Doh South Africa | Look What I Made - Cornucopia
Play-Doh South Africa | Look What I Made - Cornucopia
Play-Doh South Africa | Look What I Made - Bracelet
Play-Doh South Africa | Look What I Made - Bracelet
Quality South African Products_AnnMack Eco
Quality South African Products_AnnMack Eco
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