Colonialism and the Scramble

Second largest African country

Non-Africans who didn’t study geography in school or are too lazy to look at their maps often ask the unthinkable question: Is Africa a Country? The western media, at the same time have not aided the situation in any way. They portray the entire Africa; a continent with over 50 countries and the second largest continent by land mass and population of over 1 billion people as a country.

Phrases like: “1 in 4 children die of malaria every minute in Africa”, “I just came back from Africa”, “I am travelling to Africa” or “text 4444 to donate $5 to help save women and children dying in Africa” are very common among various western media and are propagating the wrong perception. So if Africa is a continent, how many countries are it and which is the largest?

Africa is has more than 50 countries which are products of land division and territorial mapping following the era of colonial rule and several after-war deals. Note that the largest country in Africa has recently changed.

Before June 2011, Sudan was the biggest African country however, since South Sudan declared their independence (from the Northern part of Sudan) in June 2011, the title has gone to Algeria.

Algeria has a land mass of 2, 381, 740 sqkm, while the second largest country – The Democratic Republic of the Congo has a land mass of 2, 344, 858 km2

Among the list of largest countries in Africa, Sudan is right at the number one spot with an area of 2, 505, 813 sqkm. Algeria is right next after Sudan while the Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo) is the third largest country in Africa. If the Democratic Republic of Congo was united, it would be the Africa’s largest country.

The title and glory of Sudan does not just end here. Sudan is also recognized as the largest Arab country in the world as well as the 10th largest country in the World overall however, Sudan is almost always in distress and there is always a fresh wave of violence brewing within the shores of the largest country in Africa. Different factions are set against one another in political and economic turmoil.

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Top 10: Largest Countries
Top 10: Largest Countries
Congo, the third largest country in central Africa
Congo, the third largest country in central Africa
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