
Richest economies in Africa

Top 20 Economies In AfricaAfrica is by far the world’s poorest continent. Though parts of the continent have made significant gains over the last few years.

South Africa is by far the continent’s wealthiest state in total GDP, accounting for 30% of the continent’s GDP in nominal terms and 24% by PPP.

This entry below gives the gross domestic product (GDP) or value of all final goods and services produced within a nation in a given year.

#1. South Africa

GDP- Purchasing Power Parity: US$524 Billion (As of 2010)

Contribution of Industrial Sector in GDP: 30.8%

Contribution of Agricultural Sector in GDP: 2.5%

Contribution of Services Sector in GDP: 66.7% (As of 2010)

Population: 50, 586, 757 (As of 2011)

Unemployment Rate: 24.9% (As of 2010)

2. Egypt
3. Nigeria
4. Algeria
5. Morocco
6. Angola
7. Sudan
8. Tunisia
9. Libya
10. Ethiopia

To check out the full list with all details please visit

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