Ten Facts about Agriculture in

Africa Agriculture Facts

African smallholder farmers are the people that feed Africa – but struggle to feed themselves. How is this possible? Our new report, , explains. It’s a vision of what a continent-wide agricultural transformation would look like for millions of smallholder farmers, illustrated by examples of success across the continent.

We’ve put the top three findings into share graphics to help visually break down this phenomenon and make it easy for you to learn the facts and share them on social media. Use these graphics to spread the word on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter – wherever you do your sharing!

1. Most Africans make their living from agriculture – but not in a way that helps economies grow

That’s a lot of farmers – but not a lot of GDP.

2. The reason why is because not enough African governments are investing in agriculture programs

Just eight out of 54 African countries are committed to agriculture!

3. If they do, they could help lift 85 million people out of extreme poverty by 2024, provide jobs and boost the continent’s economy.

Other sectors like mining and utilities accrue wealth for just a privileged few.

ONE is currently in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, asking African ONE members to urge their government leaders to invest in agriculture – because as you can see, it pays. Learn more about ONE’s efforts in Africa here and read ONE’s full report here.

Source: www.one.org
Telling Myths from Facts: Africa’s Agricultural Data Gap
Telling Myths from Facts: Africa’s Agricultural Data Gap
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Agriculture in Africa: Telling Facts from Myths
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